Accreditation as Signatories of the Good Employer Charter 2024


We are pleased to announce that MOL Logistics (H.K.) Limited has been officially accredited as a signatory of the Good Employer Charter 2024 (GEC2024) by the Labour Department of the Hong Kong.


Invited by the GEC2024 organizer, our representatives attended the “Good Employer Charter 2024 Presentation Ceremony” on 24 September 2024. The Secretary for Labour and Welfare officiated the ceremony and given an opening speech on the event. The ceremony recognized the signatories and issued the certificate to them.


The GEC2024 features the theme of “Supportive Family-friendly Good Employer”.  Employers who participate the GEC2024 are encouraged to adopt and enhance family-friendly employment practices, putting themselves in the employees’ shoes in discharging both work and family obligations, so as to create a family-friendly working environment for the employees.

(More information about GEC2024 please visit Good Employer Charter - About the Good Employer Charter 2024 - Introduction & Eligibility (


As a signatory of the GEC2024, we pledge to be an employee-oriented and family-friendly employer by adopting the following four aspects of good human resource management practices:

  • Employment practices to care for employees
  • Practices to promote work-family / work-life balance
  • Employee benefits that are better than statutory requirements
  • Good communication with employees or their organization(s)


This accreditation underscores our dedication to promoting a series of good employment practices. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to your contributions for building positive culture together.

Let’s continue to work towards making MOL Logistics (H.K.) Limited a better place to work.